How and why does antisemitism persist in communities today? What can we do as educators to confront hatred in our schools and communities? Facing History’s new lessons explore the role that antisemitism played at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville as a case study in contemporary antisemitism. The lessons provide strategies and resources for discussing controversial issues with students that are especially urgent at this historical moment.
In this workshop, participants will:
Explore the lesson series, The Persistence of Hate: What the 2017 Unite the Right rally Revealed about Contemporary Antisemitism, which investigates the August 2017 events in Charlottesville as a case study in contemporary antisemitsm
Examine American antisemitism in a historical context by exploring primary sources from the twentieth century
Discuss the community responses to these events and how students can choose to participate in strengthening their communities when faced with violations based on hatred or bigotry.
The workshop is $25 to attend. RSVP online at