Jewish Heritage Travel Program: COMING SOON


Join the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County (HMTC) — a trusted source for Holocaust and tolerance education — and Jewish Heritage Travel to explore vibrant Jewish cultures around the world. Discover sites across Europe, Cuba, Morocco, and beyond, from Polish shtetls to the only Jewish museum in the Arab world. Experience the rich tapestry of Jewish history and heritage.

Our first-class tours offer Museum members special excursions to ancient sites, private access to exhibitions and libraries, breathtaking vistas, and deluxe accommodations. Engage with local Jewish communities, travel with like-minded individuals, and learn from our world-class experts to make your journey with Jewish Heritage Travel truly unique and meaningful.

We are committed to providing journeys that excel in content, comfort, and knowledge. Join us and embark on your next adventure today!

— Bernie Furshpan, Board Member, Educator, and Marketing Director
The Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County


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For more information about Jewish Heritage Travel, go to

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